Monday, April 20, 2009


As you think so you will be

The colossus of every high profile and ambitious career today is essentially built on the bedrock of competition, another name for a tough acid test, which your potentials for success have to get through before you enter the corridors of bright future. Infact the higher you set a target for yourself as a career aspirant in the competitive marathon, the more exacting will be ordeals you may have to undergo on way to the career destination of your choice. Every bit of success thus comes to you as part of a hard earned victory of your confidence, endeavor and optimism over myriad challenges you face in course of achieving it.

We re responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. Whatever you think, that you will be, you can do anything and everything, faith, faith, faith in ourselves, faith, faith, faith, in god this is the secret of greatness and success. Preserve a right mental attitude, the attitude of courage, frankness, optimism and good cheer, and other will automatically rally around you and lend you a helping hand in attaining your coveted goal. Believe that you will succeed and believe it firmly. Confidence in yourself, confidence that you can and will succeed is the key to your success in any undertaking, venture or enterprise. Success will be sure and certain if we persist despite setbacks, continue the struggle and face the challenges with determination. if you go after your goal with energy, determination, persistence and an ever present, gnawing, burning , definite desire, nothing under the sun can stop you from achieving your goal or keep you from success.persisitance and dogged determination will guarantee success against all odds. No matter what happens keep cool and keep trying. Never give up.

Think high to rise; think deep to get what you want. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can….

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