Tuesday, December 23, 2008

scope of pharmd in india

· sir plz tell me can i do pharm. D. after my B.Pharm, & what is the duration of pharm. D., and tell me about scope after pharm. D., Is pharm.D. availabe in india ?

· Answered by Science Counsellor Students can pursue Pharma.D after B.Pharma. Pharm.D (Post Bacclaureate) programme will be of three years duration, which is meant for the B Pharm students who aspire for higher education. The introduction of these programmes with greater emphasis on clinical practice in line with the changes in the healthcare environment will not only open doors for new employment opportunities for the pharmacists in hospitals & community pharmacy and clinical practice but will also maximise the pharmacists' contribution in pharmaceutical and patient healthcare. Since these programmes will be of global standards comparable to similar programmes in foreign countries like US, Indian pharmacists will get good opportunities in the international pharmacy market. The new courses would be of immense help to the Indian pharmacists going abroad to get employment as community pharmacists. In countries like US, Pharm.D is mandatory for working in pharmacies, and therefore the aspirants have no choice other than to choose a job with the industry. Presently, a large number of Indian pharmacists working in the US are kept out of community pharmacy jobs since 2003. Pharmacy counsel of India has given nod Pharm D course in India and Annamalai university is offering 6 year integrated Pharm D course in India. More colleges would be offering three year Pharm D courses in India soon

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Degree in india, scope and potential

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) Degree

The Pharm.D. curriculum is designed to produce a scientifically and technically competent pharmacist who can apply this education in such a manner as to provide maximum health care services to patients. Students are provided with the opportunity to gain greater experience in patient close cooperative relationships with health practitioners. It is the goal of all pharmacy schools to prepare pharmacists who can assume expanded responsibilities in the care of patients and assure the provision of rational drug therapy.If you examine several pharmacy college catalogs, you will notice that courses are similar but NOT identical. There are no rigid rules on curricula enforced on colleges, but a common core of subjects is found in every college of pharmacy curriculum. You will find that certain colleges emphasize certain subjects, and thus place less emphasis on others. Since you will likely examine catalogs of colleges that interest you, this summary will touch largely on the core of subjects common to most colleges of pharmacy.

Length of Study

The Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program requires at least 2-years of specific pre-professional (undergraduate) coursework followed by 4-academic years (or 3-calendar years) of professional study. Pharmacy colleges and schools may accept students directly from high school for both the pre-pharmacy and pharmacy curriculum, or after completion of the college course prerequisites. The majority of students enter a pharmacy program with 3 or more years of college experience. College graduates who enroll in a pharmacy program must complete the full 4-academic years (or 3-calendar) years of professional study to earn the Pharm.D. degree. The AACP does not track the availability of accelerated programs of study for individuals with a baccalaureate degree in a related health career or science field.

Goals of Degree Program

The professional pharmacy curriculum is designed to produce pharmacists who have the abilities and skills that are necessary to achieve outcomes related to:
Providing pharmaceutical care to patients
Developing and managing medication distribution and control systems
Managing the pharmacy
Promoting public health
Providing drug information and education
Major Areas of Instruction

In order to provide students with the opportunity to develop a strong foundation on which to build these skills, the curriculum emphasizes six major areas of instruction.

1. Pharmaceutical chemistry emphasizes the application of chemical sciences to pharmacy. Some of the courses deal with chemicals used as medicines-their use, nature, preparation and preservation. In other courses, attention is given to the processes and tests used to determine the purity and strength of a chemical or its pharmaceutical form. The pharmacy student learns, for example, how to find out if aspirin is pure, or how to determine how much vitamin C is contained in a particular solution or tablet.

2. Pharmacognosy deals with the nature and sources of "natural drugs"-those obtained from plants or animals, either directly or indirectly. For example, with a drug such as quinine, this study involves the source, the commercial production, the marketing, the chief pure chemicals contained in the drug, and the uses made of the drug and its derivatives.

3. Pharmacology is concerned with understanding the action of drugs in the body. Attention is given to the effects of various doses of each medicinal substance and to the different ways in which medicine can be introduced into the body. The effects of poisons and the means to overcome them are studied in toxicology. Generally, animal tests are required to learn the strength of drugs. Physicians know a great deal about pharmacology and toxicology; yet, as the expert about drugs, the pharmacist must maintain this knowledge to an even greater extent.

4. Business management is important for graduates who plan to enter community pharmacy and some institutional practices. This area is commonly designated pharmacy administration. Instruction frequently includes principles of basic economics, accounting, management, computer applications, marketing, merchandising, and legal phases of the profession of pharmacy. Courses in pharmacy administration are especially helpful to pharmacists who become executives in pharmacies, hospitals, service wholesale houses, or manufacturing.

5. Pharmacy practice is offered in a variety of courses by colleges of pharmacy. These courses are designed to give an appreciation of the background and nature of the profession, to familiarize students with the many skilled processes used in pharmacy, to introduce the various forms of medicines, and to teach them how to dispense medication accurately and skillfully. Instruction in pharmacy practice again emphasizes the fact that pharmacy blends science and technology, and that throughout the professional services of the pharmacist there is a continuous responsibility both to the patient and the physician. Instruction in the pharmaceutical sciences and in the professional areas (except for most of the administration courses) includes some laboratory work. This laboratory work is both traditional and clinical. Laboratory instruction explores various scientific phenomena, as well as studies the clinical application of the principles of pharmaceutical sciences. Pharmacy practice is that area within the pharmacy curriculum which deals with patient care, placing an emphasis on drug therapy. Pharmacy practice seeks to develop a patient-oriented attitude in the student. The education of pharmacists who are able to meet the needs of society can be attained only through a careful blending of theoretical course work and clinical experiences.

6. The clinical component of the pharmacy curriculum varies from school to school, however, the basic objectives are the same. Some of these objectives are
to develop students' communication skills for effective interaction with patients and with practitioners of other health professions,
to help students develop a patient awareness in the practice of pharmacy
to enable students to integrate the knowledge acquired in course work prior to clinical exposure, and to apply it to the solution of real problems, and
to develop students' awareness of their responsibility for monitoring the drugs taken by patients,
to help students become more aware of the general methods of diagnosis and patient care specifically related to drug therapy

Fields of Study in Pharmacy Education and Profession

The profession of pharmacy blends science, technical art, and human relationships in a unique fashion. Basic to the science in pharmacy are contributions from four broad fields-mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology so courses in these basic sciences are required in pharmacy curricula.Mathematics is an important tool in most scientific courses, so two or more semesters of college mathematics are usually required. In addition, a pharmacist uses math a great deal in dispensing prescriptions, in determining proper drug dosage levels, in preparing formulas of many types, in management procedures, and in certain chemical calculations. Hence, additional instruction is given in the various kinds of weights and measures used in pharmacy, in calculating doses of drugs given to persons of different ages and weights, in calculating the amount of material to use for a solution, and in many other operations.

Physics and Chemistry -
Instruction in physics is usually given because the principles are basic to many pharmaceutical practices. In addition, physics has a close relationship to chemistry; both sciences are needed in order to understand the behavior and properties of matter. The fineness of powdered drugs, the transfer of heat, the behavior of gases, the formation and decay of radioactive isotope - these and other phenomena of pharmacy can be well understood only through knowledge of the principles of physics. The active ingredients of most medications are pure chemicals; so it is easy see why a thorough knowledge of chemistry is important. From simple table salt to substances so complex that their formulas are not completely known, pharmacists are continually dealing with chemicals. They must know how to handle and store them, as some are dangerous; how to analyze them to determine their purity; and how to dissolve them, combine them, package them, and preserve them-as well as how chemical substances behave in the body. Small wonder then that pharmacy students study the principles of the common divisions of chemistry and finish off this study with several courses in pharmaceutical chemistry, where the principles of basic chemistry are applied in the study of medicinal products. Many drugs come from plants and animals.
Biology -
Moreover, the practical use of nearly all medicinal substances is within, or upon, the bodies of humans or animals. Hence, the study of biological sciences, including anatomy, physiology, zoology and biochemistry, is important for building a strong foundation of knowledge of natural drugs and their actions within the body.
Courses in English, psychology, and sociology are usually given in the pre-professional years, but some may be scheduled throughout the curriculum. These social sciences provide the students with a better ability to understand and communicate with people, thereby enabling them to practice more effectively within society.
Post-Professional (Post-PharmD) Graduate Study

Residency - After graduating from pharmacy school, an increasing number of students are seeking residency training in pharmacy practice. Over 400 pharmacy residency programs are offered in hospitals, community pharmacies, and some specialized facilities. These residency programs may be taken in general pharmacy practice, clinical pharmacy practice, or other specialty areas depending upon personal interests and specific career requirements. Completion of a pharmacy residency is sometimes a requirement for employment in hospital pharmacy practice or as clinical faculties at pharmacy schools.Graduate Study - Students also have the opportunity to complete advanced study. Graduate study in one of the pharmaceutical sciences may qualify the student for a Master of Science (M.S.), or doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) degree. These advanced degree programs require an undergraduate degree at least at the bachelor's level prior to enrollment; however, the undergraduate degree need not be in pharmacy. The M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are research degrees and do not qualify the student to be a licensed pharmacy practitioner, unless the student has also earned a B.S. in Pharmacy (program no longer offered) or Pharm.D. degree

IThe professional curriculum leading to the Pharm.D. typically requires four years of study and admission into this program requires completion of the Pre-Pharmacy requirements, which typically takes two years of study. The entire curriculum is highly structured, allowing time for only a modest amount of elective study. Also, to complete the professional program in four years, students must consistently be successful in their completion of all of the required courses in each year of the program.

The Doctor of Pharmacy is a professional degree, not a graduate degree. Admission into the Pharm.D. program requires some prior college level study, but not a Bachelors degree. However, while completion of other degree programs is not required for admission, it is not excluded. Every year some students join the Pharm.D. program after completing a Bachelors degree and in a few cases, other professional degrees. Individuals who have completed a five-year BS in Pharmacy program may seek a Pharm.D. though the traditional program, but such individuals usually find the non-traditional Pharm.D. Program better suits their needs.

The Pharm.D. professional program is only one step, albeit a required one, in the process of becoming a registered pharmacist. The other steps include preparation for college study, admission to college, completion of the Pre-Pharmacy requirements, and after completion of the Pharm.D., sitting for and passing the licensure examination (NAPLEX) and completing the application materials and processes required for licensure. Specifics of the examination and licensure processes vary by state, and such information is best obained from the State Board of Pharmacy for the state of interest. Some very useful general information about the NAPLEX is available from the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP).
If you are considering a career as a pharmacist and would like more information to help you in your decisions, see our pages on Becoming a Pharmacist and Career Options and Job and Salary Outlook for Pharmacists.
Detailed information about all undergraduate and professional degree programs offered by the School of Pharmacy is available in the Pharmacy Bulletin. This PDF file is available for downloading, viewing and printing, but it requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which is available for free

The role of a pharmacist is undergoing major changes world over in the wake of notable progress made by the pharmaceutical science and education today. Pharmaceutical science is considered to be an independent branch of science dealing with all aspects of drugs and pharmaceuticals. A pharmacist is a vital link in the physician-patient chain and he is expected to play a key role in the dissemination of pharmaceutical knowledge. The practice of pharmacy includes the custody, preparation and distribution of pharmaceutical products besides providing advice on health and nutrition related issues. A pharmacist today needs to be fully equipped with all these capabilities. In India, although pharmaceutical industry has advanced over the last 25 years, the pharmacist here continues to be a backroom boy in a pharmaceutical factory or a salesman in a retail pharmacy. This image has to change and it can be done only by raising the educational standards of pharmacists. There has been no serious attempt to modify the curricula of pharmacy education in India for several years. Whereas, manufacturing standards, quality control practices, research activities and clinical practices in this industry have undergone critical changes during these years. A fresh graduate coming out of a pharmacy college in India is largely oblivious of these ground realities. With growing internationalization of Indian pharmaceutical industry, the standards of pharmacy education need to be world class. Pharmacy Council of India has been pressing for this change for years and the government has finally approved starting of much sought after six year Pharm D course in India.The PCI has approved 22 colleges to start Pharm D course from this academic year. The Council has already notified the procedures and fees structure for pharmacy institutions to apply for accreditation to commence the course. The procedures, published in the website of the PCI along with the online application form, insists that the institutions or individuals who apply to start Pharm D course should provide 300-bed hospital facility. The institutions should provide necessary other infrastructural facilities as prescribed by the PCI under Appendix - B of Pharm D regulations. Initially, the permission to start the Pharm D programme will be issued for a period of one year and will be renewed on yearly basis subject to verification of facilities and achievements of annual targets. The institutions have to apply for renewal six months prior to the expiry of the initial permission. PCI has designated a regular panel of inspectors for periodic inspection of pharmacy colleges having Pharm D course throughout the country. This will be a critical responsibility on PCI considering the fact that several pharmacy colleges offering B Pharm degree do not have basic lab facilities and qualified faculty. Any lapse in monitoring and periodic inspection of these Pharm D institutions can tempt their managements to compromise on facilities and thereby devalue this advanced course.

Pharm. D. - A New Species in Certification of a Pharmacy Degree in South Asia - At Best a Wishful Venture

Pharm. D. - A New Species in Certification of a Pharmacy Degree in South Asia - At Best a Wishful Venture

Ever since the FPGEC (Foreign Pharmacy Graduation Equivalency Committee) mandated a 5-year Pharmacy Graduation program's degree holder to be eligible to take the FPGE-examination, Pharmacists from south Asian countries having 4-year bachelor degree program have got upset and extremely concerned, and rightly so, as their non-immigrant students' status has been jeopardized due to this eligibility. Institutions, especially in some Arab countries like Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia etc. already intuitively conducting 5-year degree courses with whatever course content, especially of first academic year, have not been affected. As an immediate remedy to the above stipulation, Pakistan very smartly took the inadvisable short cut (of the long rout Pharm. D. program) by upgrading their degree to the new nomenclature of Pharm. D., and that too in all institutions of the country. Are they or, for that matter, any other country prepared to justify this drastic blanket overnight switchover, if at all, knowing the mandatory requirements of the American's Pharm. D.'s non-didactic curriculum and experiential training, leave aside the depth of its didactic part of it.

The ACPE (Accreditation Council on Pharmacy Education) in 1997 issued new guidelines for mandating Pharm. D. (Doctor of Pharmacy Degree) Program for all the US schools with effect from 2004. This Pharm. D. program stipulated 6-years + 9 months experiential training duration. Arguably with the implementation of Pharm. D. program of the above duration the FPGEC mandated a 5-year Pharmacy Graduation program as being eligible for the foreign nationals. According to this a foreign pharmacy graduate has to undertake the following examinations and training period to get the pharmacist licensure in the U.S.