Saturday, October 4, 2008


1. He has genuine self-esteem and is not threatened by job loss, financial difficulties, family conflicts, or even the loss of love.
2.He is equally pathered to love his mate and children as much as his work.
3. He is a life long student of the art of love. He is curious about learning every way to help his mate enjoy their love life more. He is turned on by emotions, words, experiences, as well as his mates appearences.
4.He is open and honest about his feelings. He loves to express his warmth and affection for her and does it without reason and as an act of his fullness.
5. He wants his mate to be mature and happy. He is not threatened by her achievements.
6.He wants to regularly enjoy exciting leisure activities with his mate and children.
7.He can read and adjust to his mates emotional wave lengths.
8. He is not a mamas boy in that he is controlled by his mother. He has equal love for his mother, his mate and his children. He is his own man and will never let his mother seperate him from his mate.
9. He delights in his partners freedom, person hood, happines and individuality.
10.He accepts and cultivates her leisure activity as important to her personhood and thus their happiness.
11. He makes her financially secure so that she will never be threatned by the worry of financial destitution were she to lose him.

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