Tuesday, October 21, 2008


1.Make a point to express more appreciation to others in as many ways as you can think of . Sit down right now and make a list of people to whom you would like to outflow love and appreciation, and think of a way you can do so to teach one within the next week. Out flow can take the form of words, touching, a gift, a phone call or letter, money, or any sharing of your talents that makes another person feel good. Choose something that makes you feel especially good too, even if its a little more difficult for you.

2. Practice speaking more words of thanks, appreciation and admiration to people when you feel like it.

3.Go through your personal possessions and find items you dont really want or dont use very often and give them to others who will appreciate them more.

4. If you are a person who tries to spend as little money as possible and always hunts for a bargain, try spending a little money each day unnecessarily. Buy the product that costs a few cents more instead of less, treat yourself to a little something extra,pay for a friends coffee, or donate money to a good cause. Even a small action of this sort is a visible demostration to yourself that you have faith in the abundance that you have been affirming. Actions speak as loud as words in this case.

5. Tithe your income- Tithing is the practice of giving a percentage of your income to a church, spiritual organisation, or any group or person that you feel is making a worthwhile contribution in the world,it is a way of supporting that energy, and at the same time acknowledging that all you receive comes from the universe(GOD) and therefore you give a token back to the universal source. It doesnt matter what the percentage is. Even tithing just one percent of your income will give you a continuous experience of outflowing.

6. Be creative. Think of otherways to outflow your energy into the universe for the good of yourself and others.

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